There are currently over 140 regular individual lesson slots taking place at the Centre, including the following instruments and voices:
Drum Kit and Orchestral Percussion
Electric Guitar; Acoustic Guitar; Jazz Guitar; Bass Guitar;
Classical Guitar; Ukulele
Classical Piano; Jazz Piano; Contemporary/Worship Piano
Electronic Keyboard
Flute. Oboe and Clarinet
Violin and Cello
All Brass Instruments
All Saxophones
Jazz Improvising for any Wind or Rhythm Section Instrument
All Styles of Singing
Music Computer Sequencing (Cubase, Logic, Pro-Tools etc.)
Terms and Conditions
To set up lessons, please download the application form and email to [email protected] or post to Brian Ellam c/o Primrose Cottage, Forge Road, Tintern NP16 6TH
Drum Kit and Orchestral Percussion
Electric Guitar; Acoustic Guitar; Jazz Guitar; Bass Guitar;
Classical Guitar; Ukulele
Classical Piano; Jazz Piano; Contemporary/Worship Piano
Electronic Keyboard
Flute. Oboe and Clarinet
Violin and Cello
All Brass Instruments
All Saxophones
Jazz Improvising for any Wind or Rhythm Section Instrument
All Styles of Singing
Music Computer Sequencing (Cubase, Logic, Pro-Tools etc.)
Terms and Conditions
- Please turn up to your lesson slot on time and well-prepared, having practised regularly, and bring along any sheet music/equipment needed
- Make sure you have told us if you want to opt out of the text reminder system
- Payment can be made weekly, monthly, half-termly or termly by cash, cheque or Standing Order to CCMC account 69905298, sort code 08-92-99
- For our purposes a term is always a series of 12 lessons, so a term of 20 minute lessons costs £132 and a term of 30 minute lessons costs £198 (half-terms can be assumed to be 6 weeks)
- Standing Order amounts are £33 per month for 36 x 20-minute lessons per year, and £49.50 for 36 half-hour lessons
- Whichever method is chosen, payment is due at the time of beginning to receive the service – so weekly, or the start of a month/(half) term
- We keep accurate records of attendance at lessons, with 4 possible codes: / = present; N = notified absence (at least 24 hours’ notice); LN = late notice (less than 24 hours’ notice; U = unexplained absence
- Lessons recorded as LN or U are chargeable because the 24 hours’ notice gives the tutors an opportunity to re-arrange their schedules and avoid unpaid time at work
- Where proper notice is given (or the tutor is unavailable) for lessons paid for in advance, lessons will be made up wherever possible, or credited/refunded
- Refunds for Standing Order customers can be given at the end of each term, after a full year of 36 possible lessons, or when lessons stop
- Please give one month’s notice of any change to a Standing Order
To set up lessons, please download the application form and email to [email protected] or post to Brian Ellam c/o Primrose Cottage, Forge Road, Tintern NP16 6TH

application_form_for_instrumental_or_vocal_lessons.docx | |
File Size: | 17 kb |
File Type: | docx |